2012: Apocalypse?


Will the earth shatter on Dec 21, 2012? This is the big question that everyone has been asking concerning the prediction of the Mayans, following the release of the movie ‘2012’. In order to be able to answer this question, knowledge of the Mayan’s prediction is imperative.  

Following the release of ‘2012’, many have been feeling fearful because of the cataclysmic theme of the film. According to information circulating on the Internet, some  have started contemplating suicide in order to escape this coming tragedy.
Responding to this, the US Government under the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), issued a statement concerning the misconception of this phenomenon, promising the masses the non-existence of any conclusive information ruling the prediction of such an event.

The year 2012 comprises of many beliefs indicating cataclysmic and transformative actions      that might take place and alter the universe. According to beliefs, the planet and its inhabitants will undergo a spiritual and physical transformation, whilst others believe this to be the apocalypse.

Dec 21, 2012 is the    end-date of the Mayans’ 5125-year Long Count Calendar. According to the experts of Mayans, it is inconclusive from recovered materials whether 2012 will be the Apocalypse for me and you.

What today is linear — the concept of calendar and counting years — was to the Mayans cyclical, where one cycle has to be finished before another one can start. Apparently Dec 21, 2012, is the year the cycle finishes. The question is, what did Mayans say will happen during this time?

The sun — Kinich-Ahau — will align with the gigantic galaxy,      which will emit flares forcing the sun to shine fiercely, thus altering        the sun’s magnetic field. The prediction goes on about the Earth’s displacement and great catastrophes.

Mayans conceived changes to take place in the human race — changes towards perfection, or towards the Golden Age. Still, other scientists have quickly denied these claims, citing them as inconclusive with some calling it ‘a fabrication in the chance to cash in.’ But why Mayans?

Mayans were the ancient civilisation,  both in art, literature, written language, architecture, mathematics, astronomy and in many other fields. Other people have come to believe that Mayans were aliens, who populated the earth and left, though this has been quickly denied, like the belief that pyramids were built by aliens.

The question is  whether we will die in  the year 2012. One thing that humans are afraid of is death as Francis Bacon ethos-es, ‘Men fear death as children fear to go in the dark’, and Roland showed us how  far they can go — pay      one million euro to board giant ships.

Is this another form of the ‘Y2K bug?’ Some believe, some not and some do not even know. The tenacious and yet beautiful premonitions intoxicated with the science of Mayans, plunders the spirit of the weaker mind, to advance its faculty of power.
In times of chaos,  when souls meander unbridled, searching for answers to altercations, within lies the messengers of true and false information.

The optimist,  swimming in the ocean of earth’s survival of the previous apocalypse predictions, believe the world is not nearing its end any time soon. Their strong will, immunised by the strength of the world to shatter any  major misfortune, believe we will still see Dec 22, 2012.

Neither a scientist nor a Mayan, I strongly believe we do not know what will happen and we shouldn’t jump to conclusions of ending our lives in advance. It’s a cynical and childish idea, fountaining from a gullible mind, to end its life in the fear of doomsday.

Is it not beautiful then to die with brethren, embracing death with serenity and tranquillity, with unity and oneness? God will not be pleased if he sees you too early for an unconfirmed dinner. Not only will you be a coward, but also a runaway freak with no confidence, always taking short cuts in the fear of pain and in the failure of manning up.

I believe you should not end your life because the predictions might turn out to be another ‘Y2K hoax’.  You might not see the beautiful morning of  Dec 22, with birds chipping and singing ‘karaoke’, welcoming the golden rays of the sun, awaiting Christmas in three days and the chance of seeing the Year of the Snake.

Opportunities,  scattered and untapped, are waiting for you. If you believe the world is ending in 2012, you then have approximately two years to do wonders. Hike the world, confess your love, rear yourmkids with love, go and take that Phd you wanted, fulfil your passion for language, go to places that you’ve wanted to and make peace with the world.

And for those who believe the 22nd is just a date, live your lives to the fullest as usual, but with better humility. Instil in those who fear, the quest to perfection. Encourage them through the journey of fulfilling their dreams.

Ralph Waldo Emerson proudly enunciated, “Don’t waste life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour’s duties will be the best preparation for the      hours and ages that will follow it.”