52 archers in action at 12th King’s Cup


SYMBOLIC: Ernie shooting an arrow in a symbolic opening of the 12th King’s Cup Tournament witnessed by Aric (left) and David.

MIRI: A total of 52 top archers from Miri, Bintulu and neighbouring Brunei Darussalam took part in the 12th King’s Cup Archery Tournament held here starting Aug 24.

The two-day competition sponsored by King’s Archery Sports Centre was organised to seek new potential talents.

Ministry of Social Development (KPS) officer Ernie Lukong commended the sponsor’s effort to find potential talents who can bring honour to the state and country in the future.

“We hope that these new talents will be able to take part in archery at the Malaysia Games (Sukma) in 2016 or other prestigious archery competitions. We will propose that Miri host the archery competition in Sukma 2016 because we have the facilities here and this will help attract more youths to take up the sport,” he explained during the simple opening ceremony.

According to Ernie, KPS has always supported archery clubs and continue to provide budget for the organising of archery competitions.

“It is our hope that with the support and ongoing efforts, our dream to make archery more popular can be realised,” he said.

Meanwhile, competition manager David Ting said the contest was also organised in conjunction with the 12th anniversary of archery being introduced to Miri.

“Archery started at the centre some 12-years ago, and we are very proud with the achievement and success in nurturing young talents who possess the potential to be stars in archery,” he added.

Also present was Sarawak State Sports Council (MSNS) officer Aric Philbert.