Effective approaches for different learning styles


THE effectiveness of any learning process largely depends on one’s learning style since individuals respond to various approaches differently. Hence, it would be beneficial for us to adopt the approaches that are suitable to our learning styles in order for us to get the most out of every learning opportunity we come across.

For effective learning, we need to first determine our inclined learning style. After which, we can choose the tools and approaches that best fit that learning style.


Auditory Learner

Auditory learners learn by listening and verbalising data. Hence, it is useful for them to record any talk or lecture and listen to the content later. They can absorb information better when they listen before reading any written text.

Repeating things out loud or mentally can help them to remember better. By having discussions, these individuals are able to understand the issues better. They can benefit a lot by participating in question-and-answer sessions.

They can learn and memorise better when the information is put into a rhythmic pattern like creating a song, poem or rap. As they are sensitive to sound and noise, they should avoid listening to the radio or conversations when studying as they are easily distracted.


Visual Learner

Visual learners are those who learn best when data and information is presented to them visually. They need to see the information to understand it. Video presentations and demonstrations are the best ways for them to digest information.

Seeing and visualising things will help them understand it. These individuals are able to remember better by associating a visual representation of someone or something. To effectively solve mathematics problems, they have to write them on paper.

Concrete, specific and descriptive, and non-abstract examples will help them understand better. Drawing sketches will help these individuals to associate facts and concepts. Maps, charts and diagrams are useful for them to learn and solve problems.


Print-Oriented or Read-Write Learners

Read-write learners prefer that data and information be given to them in writing. They do not process information well when it is represented verbally or in charts, maps or graphs.

They generally enjoy reading and writing so reading the lecture notes or materials is the best way for them to learn. They can absorb information better when it is presented in a listing format.

These individuals learn and memorise information better when they write things down. They can understand instructions or directions better when they read them before hearing them.

Flash cards are useful for them to remember information. Highlighting or underlining important information in books and notes will draw their attention and help them to remember the information.


Kinaesthetic Learner

Kinaesthetic learners are those who learn best through hands-on approaches. They generally learn by doing and solving real-life problems and through trial and error.

A large space and the freedom to move around is their ideal learning environment as they like to pace, walk around or exercise while reading. They learn better by watching a demonstration than listening to an explanation.

Physically walking through the problems will help them greatly in problem- solving. These individuals learn better through role play, creating and performing experiments.

They respond well to real-life situations or objects that they are able to touch. Kinaesthetic learners do not respond well to long passages and pictures. Brief notes, sketches and models are the keys to retaining information.

Priscilla Hiu is a career guidance consultant of Gracia Management and a certified behavioural consultant of DISC Personality Profiling System, Institution of Motivation Living, USA and Extended DISC Personality Profiling System, Extended DISC Northgate.