Syariah law at Maktab Duli


Bandar Seri Begawan: The educators and staff of Maktab Duli Pengrian Muda Al-Muthadee Billah attended a briefing on the Syariah Penal Code Oder 2013 yesterday, conducted by representatives of the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Religious Affairs as the nation moves closer to the initial phase of the implementation of the Syariah Law, ©BRUDIRECT.COM reported.

The experts on the Syariah Law and related issues included Ustaz Hj Mas Reduan bin Hj Jumat from the State Mufti’s Department, Hjh Hassanah bte Hassan from the Attorney General’s Chambers, Dyg Mahani Bte Hj Awang Suhaili and Pg Khairul Nazri bin Pg Hj Shahbudin from Islamic Legal Unit’s Syariah prosecution Division, as well as Ustaz Muskriman Safri bin Hj Mustapa from the Islamic Dakwah Centre.

Amongst the core issues that were explained included the offence of ‘khalwat’ (close proximity). The offence, said the panellist from the Islamic Legal Unit,takes place between a man and women or more who are not prohibited to marry according to Hukum Syarak, also known as Mahram. Under the enforcement of the first phase of the Syariah Penal Code Order this April, actions taken under the coming law will take precedence that brings a heavier penalty, including a fine not exceeding $4,000, imprisonment not exceeding one year or both.  This offence not only applies to Muslims,but also extends to any non-Muslim who commits the act with a Muslim. However, there are certain offences that are only applicable to Muslims, such as the failure to perform Friday prayers and unmarried female Muslims who leave the custody of their parents or guardians.

The offences that are applicable to both Muslims and non-Muslims are committing Zina (sex outside marriage) or drinking intoxicating beverages. The punishments imposed on non-Muslims, however, are subject to certain conditions.