Possible reasons for a stagnant career


DO you find yourself going round in circles and not making much progress in your career? You may be wondering what went wrong. Is it mere bad luck that your efforts and talents have not yet been noticed by others? Or is someone blocking your path to success?

Before pointing fingers at others or putting the responsibility on other factors, it may be wise to search within yourself. As with most cases, the reasons usually lie mainly with the individual rather than the circumstances or other people.

This week we’ll look at some reasons for a stagnant career.


Too smart

Some individuals feel that they are very smart – too smart for anyone or anything. This makes them feel that they do not need to learn anything new. They think they have seen all that needs to be seen and know what needs to be known.

With such a mentality, they would definitely miss opportunities to learn new things, gain new experiences and pick up new skills. As a result, they lose touch with the fast-moving world.

They do not realise that there are many invaluable lessons that they can pick up from life and others’ experiences. Being smart does not just mean scoring high marks in exams or being a high achiever in the workplace. Rather, it is about how to face and live life in a positive and interesting way.


Lacking curiosity

There are some who feel that everything that happens is a matter of fact. They do not question how or why things happen. They seldom reflect on the circumstances or the impact of any issue.

They take in everything passively and do not probe deeper or come up with a different idea. They show a lack of interest in anything that is unknown or new or unfamiliar.

When they do not explore or search further, they will only gain the surface value of everything. They will never get to the bottom of things and as a result, their knowledge is shallow and on the surface as well.


Too complacent

These individuals are those who dislike their current job but never bother to find a better solution either to seek a better job or change their job scope. They talk about taking up new courses or picking up new skills but they never carry out the plan.

They choose to stay in their comfort zone and do not welcome challenges. They are not willing to take up challenges and are not willing to try anything new. Hence, they never have the chance to fail and naturally do not have the chance to learn anything.


Lack of reasoning capability

These individuals are incapable of forming their own judgement and are unable to reason well. They are unable to ask the right questions or point out what is wrong.

They depend on the reasoning of others and would follow whatever others feel is the right course. They are unable to think independently and would waver from left to right whenever someone with a stronger opinion comes along.


No interest in reading

There are some individuals
who spend a lot of time surfing the Internet, watching television and listening to songs. However, they find it hard to read an article or read a book.

Reading can not only provide them with knowledge and clarify their doubts but it is also a source from which they can draw emotional support and encouragement. Reading an inspirational book or article often can be enriching in a deep and meaningful way.


Too mindful of others’ opinions

Those who are afraid to be different from others and try their best to meet everyone’s expectations will not dare to express their true feelings and opinions.

As a result, they live to please others and are not faithful to themselves. They may feel that it is a good way to stay away from trouble and unpleasantness. Yet others often see them as individuals who force themselves to fit into the external world but are unable to change the world.


Priscilla Hiu is a career guidance consultant of Gracia
Management and a certified
behavioural consultant of DISC Personality Profiling System, Institution of Motivation Living, USA and Extended DISC Personality Profiling System, Extended DISC Northgate.