Stop procrastinating, Doris tells Dayaks


KAPIT: Dayaks must stop procrastinating in order to progress, says Senator Datuk Doris Sophia Brodie.

Likening procrastination to a disease, she urged the Dayak community to abolish it.

“Time flies very quickly, and I deem it timely to remind all of us, especially the younger generation, that procrastination is a time waster.

“Why the Dayak community lacks in many ways is probably due to procrastination. The community was late starters and procrastination made it worse. We must now be aggressive to pursue education and be proactive to acquire knowledge, skills, technologies, and others in order to better our lives,” she said at the Mesra Rakyat Programme at Rumah Imak, Ng Sut, Baleh, recently.

“There would not be any advancement if we do not act and react.”

Doris was back to the longhouse where a baby was named after her in 1999. “This longhouse is always close to my heart, and I am very happy to have the opportunity to be back here again, especially to meet up with Doris (Lengang), who is now a beautiful 15-year-old girl.”

During the visit, Doris, also Dewan Negara Deputy Speaker, pledged RM5,000 to the longhouse’s committee. She also extended a personal contribution of RM300 to Doris Lengang.