Possible reasons interviewees fail to get hired


SOME individuals apply for many jobs and go for countless interviews but still do not get hired.

These individuals may even come from top-notch universities or possess many years of experience.

It may seem strange that individuals who appear highly qualified or have plenty of experience still fail the interview stage.

The truth is successful interviews do not just depend on qualifications, expertise or experience.

• Bad first impression

The first 30 seconds of the interview carry a significant impact.

The interviewers will assess attire, eye contact, handshake and even tone of voice the moment interviewees walk into the room.

Those who dress shabbily will leave the impression that they do not care much about the job they are applying for. Dressing appropriately shows respect and keenness for the job.

Body language will reveal confidence levels and sincerity. Hence, interviewees should try to avoid exaggerating body gestures and control their tone of voice.

Being late for an interview would make the worst first impression.

Unless interviewees have very valid reasons such as their car breaking down, they would unlikely escape from being blacklisted by interviewers.

• Lack of preparation

When going for an interview, interviewees should learn as much as possible about the company.

Those who cannot give satisfactory answers to interviewers would leave the impression that they are not keen on the job or totally uninterested in the company.

Today, information is so easily available from the Internet. Interviewees should make use of the Internet to gain more information about the company so that they can be well prepared for any questions that may be directed towards them.

• Not asking questions

Some interviewees hold to the myth that job interviews involve one-way communication – interviewers will be the only ones asking questions while applicants will just answer accordingly.

If the interviewees do not ask questions, the interviewers would not know what interviewees are thinking.

They may feel that the applicants are not interested in the job or lack motivation.

Ask relevant questions about the job scope, responsibilities and future plans of the company. This will make the interviewers feel that applicants truly have a great interest in the job and wish to grow with the company.

• Asking inappropriate questions

However, interviewees need to know the appropriate questions to ask during interviews. For instance, during the first interview, it is quite rare for applicants to be offered the job. Hence questions should be all about the job and the company.

It is only appropriate to ask about salary and remuneration after being offered the job. Asking about the salary or benefits before being offered the job would give a bad impression.

• Making unreasonable demands or requests

Some interviewees make requests or demands such as refusing to work overtime, wanting only easy and simple tasks, etc during interviews.

Most interviewers would not look kindly on candidates who do not know their limits and shy away from hard work or responsibilities. They would rather take in someone who is more accommodating and responsible.

• Blunders at the end of an interview

Interviewees should not assume that the interview is over and start to get too relaxed.

They need to always remember to say ‘thank you’ to the interviewers and express their wish and interest to work with them in future. Showing a willingness to learn and confidence about being a positive contribution to the company is necessary.

Avoid making these few mistakes if you wish to be successful in your interview. Project a positive image and polish your presentation in order to win the hearts of the interviewers.


Priscilla Hiu is a career guidance consultant of Gracia Management and a certified behavioural consultant of DISC Personality Profiling System, Institution of Motivation Living, USA and Extended DISC Personality Profiling System, Extended DISC Northgate.