Tahura Critical Land Rehabilitation continues


BANJARMASIN, South Kalimantan: Rehabilitation of degraded land in the area of Taman Hutan Rakyat or public forest park Sultan Adam in South Kalimantan continues to be done by mining companies, local authorities, NGOs and environmental organizations, Antaranews reported.

Head of Tahura Sultan Adam Akhmad Ridhani in Banjarmasin on Sunday said from the current of approximately 40,000 hectares of critical land, about 30,000 hectares have been planted by several companies, and the remaining approximately 10,000 hectares.

Mining companies are ready to plant Tahura critical region as compensation from the company’s obligation to carry out reclamation in the area of land cleared for mining.

It is targeted in 2020, all the critical area to be replanted with various types of trees, by some mining companies that have been set.

“Today many people are concerned about the condition of Tahura, because as it is known, Tahura not just as buffer forests, but also retaining floods in the rainy season,” he said.

One of the parties concerned with the Tahura is the Komunitas Jurnalis Pena Hijau or Green Pen Community Journalists (Kojhi) South Kalimantan in cooperation with the Government of Banjar District plant productive crops in the region.

They make orchards in the region, by planting durian, mango and some local scarce fruit in South Kalimantan. In addition to plant a wide variety of fruit trees, Kojhi routinely maintain the fruit trees with grass seed and replace dead plants, until the trees are really alive.