Tips for giving gifts


GIVING gifts to others is an important element in any interpersonal relationship. Though it may seem to be a simple gesture, there are some points and rules that we need to observe in order to avoid causing misunderstanding and unpleasantness.

It is not necessary to give gifts to everyone in the workplace as that would be a heavy financial burden. Hence you just need to prepare gifts for those who work closely with you, those who have helped you and your superior.

There may be some people you dislike and you may not feel like getting any gift for them. However, if their cooperation makes a lot of difference in getting your job done, it is advisable to present them with a gift. Who knows, this friendly gesture may improve your relationship with them.

If they work closely with you and you leave them out, it will look bad and you might end up offending them and making the situation worse.

It is better for you to make more friends in the workplace than create more unpleasantness. After all, if they have contributed in one way or another in helping you get the work done, they deserve a pat on the back even though they are not on your list of favourite people.
What to give

When preparing gifts for your colleagues, do try to find out what they like or need through careful observation. For example, if you know they like certain types of music or songs, you could get them a CD. Or you can get them something that is relevant to their interests.

You do not need to give very expensive things in order to impress others. They will be very appreciative if you are able to get them what they need or like.

If you really have no idea what to get for them, you may give them something they may need in the workplace. Anything practical and useful would be welcome by all.
What not to give

Do not give impractical gifts that are not useful as others will doubt your sincerity. When it comes to the opposite sex, it is better to avoid giving personal gifts such as clothes, perfume, jewellery, undergarments, accessories etc.

Whatever you do, do not give angpows or cash as a gift. It is rather awkward for anyone to receive cash and they would somehow feel indebted to you in one way or another. It can also be seen as an insincere act as you are not even willing to spend time to choose a gift for them.

Do avoid giving away complementary items such as food samples, pens or notepads from hotels or corporate companies. This will make others feel that they are unappreciated and could leave a bad impression on you.
Gifts for the boss

When it comes to presenting gifts to your boss, it might be good to do it in a group – everyone in the company or in a department. In this case, you can avoid being called an apple polisher and the gifts will be more presentable as more people can chip in.

It would be good to get something that can be shared by your boss’ family. Besides showing your appreciation, your boss’ family will get to know that he is well-favoured by his employees.

In conclusion, preparing gifts for others is a gesture that shows your appreciation towards others and brings about happy feelings. Hence do put in proper preparation and do it sincerely so that all will benefit from the act of gift giving.
Priscilla Hiu is a career guidance consultant of Gracia Management and a certified behavioural consultant of DISC Personality Profiling System, Institution of Motivation Living, USA and Extended DISC Personality Profiling System, Extended DISC Northgate.