Headmen file police report against Facebook posting

Changgai (fifth left) and Boniface (fourth left) with the group after filing the police report.

Changgai (fifth left) and Boniface (fourth left) with the group after filing the police report.

MIRI: The Association of Longhouse Chiefs of Niah, Suai and Sibuti members as well as Subis District Council councillors have lodged a police report against a Facebook posting.

The group, led by headmen Changgai Dali and Boniface Bada Enjah, recently filed the report at the Miri Central police station against the viral posting by a Facebook user using the name Coster Chen Ter.

According to Boniface, the posting insinuated that longhouse chiefs, community leaders and councillors were willing to ‘lick the buttocks’ of Barisan Nasional (BN) elected representatives to fill their own pockets.

“This is too much, it’s defamation and insulting to all the longhouse chiefs, community leaders and councillors in the state. We can’t tolerate Coster with his bad words to describe us, thus we lodged a police report,” said Boniface yesterday.

The longhouse chief of Sungai Senga, Tanjung Baru and Association of Longhouse Chiefs in Suai chairman claimed the posting caught the attention of many Ibans in particular and Dayaks in general.

According to Boniface, a headman in Sri Aman has also lodged a police report against the posting.