Things to do before the end of the day


IN order to be effective in your work, it is imperative for you to carry out certain tasks before you go home for the day.

Check your diary and make a list

Check your diary for tasks and events scheduled for tomorrow and also the days ahead. Make a checklist to ensure that you have not left out any work that needs to be carried out.

Having a checklist will also help you to prepare well for tomorrow. Rather than figuring out what to do or sorting out your unfinished work when you reach the workplace, you will be able to start working on the tasks right away.

When you put those tasks that you need to do on a checklist, you are also getting them out of your mind. It will free you from the fear that you might forget to work on them the next day.

Set aside time to tidy up

Give yourself some time to tidy up your workspace for the day, whether it is to sort out some documents or your mail box.

When you are able to sort out the documents or mail and arrange them in proper order, it will be easier for you to retrieve them when needed.

Doing this will not only help to put your work in order but, subconsciously, it will also help to clear up your cluttered mind. When you know that things are not in order, somehow your mind will feel very worried and unfocussed.

Clear all emails and messages

Do not leave any email or message unattended overnight. Ensure that you reply all the emails or messages for the day. If you delay replying the emails or messages, they will pile up and it will get harder for you to attend to them later.

Even if you are not able to give any answer, you can just reply to the person stating that you will look into the matter. This will let the person know that you have received the message and are working on the issue.

Relax your mind

Give your mind a break. Before you leave the office, write down anything that comes to mind.  This will help your mind to clear and relax.

For instance, you can write down the incidents that affected you. By writing them down, you are expressing your feelings and that will help to free your mind from unpleasantness and stress.

Prepare clothes for the next day

Once at home get ready the clothes that you need to wear for the next day. When there is a special occasion, you should also prepare the appropriate clothes beforehand.

If you prepare early, you can avoid unexpected hiccups. For instance, being unable to find the suit that you need to wear or finding the clothes that you intended to wear are crumpled and need ironing.

When you are well-prepared, you would not need to spend time figuring out what to wear in the morning, leading to unnecessary delays.

Set a shut-off time

Set a time when you will shut off from all work. If your work does not require you to be on call 24 hours a day, you can switch off your phone at a certain time.

Do not entertain any call or email after the set time. Let yourself have the time to rest and have some peace of mind before you go to bed each day.

Rest and relax

Let your body rest and relax when it is nearly time to turn in. Unwind and loosen up. Prayer or meditation are good ways to help you to relax both mind and body.

You will find that if you are able to get all these things done before you go to bed, you will have a restful night and feel energetic the next day.


Priscilla Hiu is a career guidance consultant of Gracia Management and a certified behavioural consultant of DISC Personality Profiling System, Institution of Motivation Living, USA and Extended DISC Personality Profiling System, Extended DISC Northgate.