DCM Masing’s statement on military plane transport saga turning into ‘comedy show’ – Baru


Baru Bian

KUCHING: The latest statement by Deputy Chief Minister (DCM) Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Masing justifying the use of a military plane to bring village chiefs to Putrajaya is turning this saga into a “comedy show”, said state PKR chairman Baru Bian.

Baru, who is Ba Kelalan assemblyman, said it is clear to anyone following the recent developments that Masing has gone into damage control mode after heavy criticism on social media.

“In earlier reports, the DCM was noted to have said, ‘It was because I could not afford using commercial flights. We are talking about 180 people’. The purpose of the visit was said to have been as a show of support for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s leadership. Nothing was said about payback for fighting the communists.

“If the DCM is really serious about rewarding the village chiefs for their services rendered, flying them in a military jet not made for comfort or with amenities, and taking a longer time than a commercial plane, is not the right way.

“Surely they deserve to fly business class on a comfortable plane? It is the least the DCM could have done for them, after all the sacrifices they made. Did he make the ‘ultimate sacrifice’ and travel with the village chiefs in the military plane or did he fly in comfort on a commercial plane?” he said in a press statement today.


He said if Masing is really serious about rewarding those who fought the communists, why not fight for their pensions to be raised?

“That would be fair to all ex-servicemen, and certainly that would be more useful to them. It is no secret that the ex-servicemen have been calling for their pensions to be raised as they cannot make ends meet on what they are receiving now.”