536.9kg of debris collected at marine conservation area


The Project IMPACT participants at Sugud Islands Marine Research Centre before the cleanup.

SANDAKAN: A beach and underwater cleanup event,  Project IMPACT, was organised by Reef Guardian on October 20, involving Tegaipil and Billean Islands, within the Sugud Islands Marine Conservation Area.

With the aim to strengthen the bonds between agencies while doing conservation work, the cleanup was conducted by 39 representatives from Reef Guardian, Sabah Wildlife Department, Department of Fisheries, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysian army, Reef Defenders, Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre, HUTAN-KOCP and Lankayan Island Dive Resort.

The event carried a slogan ‘Involve in Minimising Marine Pollution’.

The activities during Project IMPACT included banner painting, awareness talk, beach cleanup and underwater cleanup.

“One of the critical issues with marine debris is that it doesn’t just stay at one place as it can be mobilised by ocean currents, causing the problem to spread elsewhere. What we can do to reduce marine debris is to stop littering, make people aware of the harmful effects of marine debris, conduct beach and underwater cleanups, and practice sustainability by reducing, reusing and recycling materials,” said a representative speaker from Reef Guardian during an awareness talk session.

Through this event, more than half a tonne (536.9kg) of marine debris was collected. The marine debris collected consisted of plastic bottles, abandoned fishing lines and fishnets, ropes, tyres, slippers, plastic bags, glass bottles, Styrofoam, metal wires, etc.