Discovery of drown victims brings end to SAR operation


Anjan’s body being carried to the Nanga Entabai jetty after it was discovered by the SAR team.

JULAU: The bodies of two persons who went missing in separate incidents along Sungai Entabai here were found by search-and-rescue (SAR) personnel yesterday.

The body of Eviline Kaya, 23, was located in Lubuk Juge in Nanga Selurung, Sungai Kanowit around 7.15am while Anjan Nyua’s body was found in the same area about 15 minutes later.

Eviline, her mother Lenny Ingang, 54, and nephew Kelvin Sama Markus, 6, went missing after their longboat capsized in Lubok Sepali, Nang Ensiring – about 50 metres from their longhouse – on Thursday evening.

Lenny’s body was found in Wong Bar around 12.30pm the following day with Kelvin’s on Saturday in Sungai Sepencur, about 100 metres from where the incident happened.

Eviline’s brother Markus, 26, was in the same longboat at the time but managed to survive.

Anjau, on the other hand, was believed to have fallen into the river in the early hours of May 23 while returning from a pre-Gawai gathering at a nearby primary school the night before.

His longboat and 30hp outboard engine were found drifting in the river by residents of a nearby longhouse who had heard someone calling for help moments earlier.