Develop problem-solving skills and common sense


WHEN you are faced with a problem, you need to employ effective methods to ensure that you are able to solve them properly.

Do not judge – It is important for you not to be judgemental towards the issue or person involved in the problem. Have an open mind and do not make your judgement without further investigation and consideration.

Review again and again – Run over the elements of the problem quickly in your mind several times until a picture which encompasses all the elements is formed. Make sure you do not miss out any element that might have caused the problem.

Try a new approach when you are stuck – If where you are heading to comes to a dead end, start all over again and find new ways to approach the issue. Do not stubbornly stick to a method and refuse to change course when there is a need to do so. Be open to new approaches and ideas to look at the problem and finding solutions.

Rearrange the elements of problem – Rearranging the elements of the problem will help you to have a different view of the situation and may highlight new ideas or approaches to solve the problem. Sometimes, by rearranging the elements, they may become a solution instead of a problem.

Discuss your problem – Discuss with others the problem you are facing. Sometimes, by sharing, you will be able to see the problem differently and find new solutions. Another person will see things from a different perspective and provide solutions from a different angle.

Take a break when you are stuck – There is no point to keep dwelling on the problem when you are not able to come up with a solution. It is best to leave the problem aside and let your mind have a break. Usually, the mind will be able to think clearer and respond better after a good rest.

Common sense – Individuals may have great power of imagination and concentration, but if they lack common sense, then their efficiency lacks good support.

Those who possess common sense are:

• Cautious – they will carefully consider the risks and foreseeable danger and are not reckless or harsh in making decisions.

• Judge the intentions rather than the actions – they will not look at the surface but will carefully consider the purpose behind the actions.

• Alert – they are sensitive to things and situations around them and are quick to respond and take action when necessary.

• Bold – they dare to take up the challenge and have the courage to venture into new areas. They are not timid and would not sit there thinking of the possible dangers.

• Quick – They will seize the opportunity when they see it and would not hesitate nor let a good chance pass by.

• Consider all possible outcomes – they will consider all the possible outcomes of a course of action and make contingency plans for unforeseen circumstances.

• See people with clear insight – They are able to see people without prejudice and wishful thinking. They are level-headed and able to see people for who they are and what they want.

A person with great common sense enjoys both success and happiness.

To possess this great talent, one needs to have keen observation and understanding of human nature and how circumstances can bring about different outcomes.

• Priscilla Hiu is a career guidance consultant of Gracia Management and a certified behavioural consultant of DISC Personality Profiling System, Institution of Motivation Living, USA and Extended DISC Personality Profiling System, Extended DISC Northgate.