Massive haboob swallows up Phoenix


Massive haboob swallows up Phoenix

US: Pulling out of a parking lot of a local camera shop in Phoenix, AZ, APizm says he caught a glimpse of the first major Haboob of the season when he saw a bright red, orange and yellow glow on the horizon to the Eas, Anika3, CNN iReport producer.

Racing up a mountain that was nearby, he skipped the official trail to get a better viewing advantage and was able to capture this Haboob from a very unique angle. “I had made it just in time.

You really get a good and scary sense of the size and magnitude of these types of storms. It will be a photograph I will never forget,” he says. ” I could see cars, skyscrapers and entire mountain ranges getting swallowed up through my viewfinder. Two days later, I was still getting dust out of my ears.”