Overcome the jobless dilemma


IT is very disheartening for one to be out of job for a long period of time. Many graduates actually experience this as they are unable to find a suitable job upon graduation.

After applying for jobs for many months without success, they gradually become discouraged and the rejection makes them start to doubt their abilities and qualifications.

For some individuals, they will be so disappointed that they actually stop looking for jobs. They will feel that they are failures, especially when they compare themselves with their friends who are able to get employment.

If no attention or help is rendered to these individuals, they will eventually lose their self-confidence and find it hard to get out of this unfavourable situation.

The support of family members and friends is very crucial at this point of time. Individuals at this stage are unable to see things clearly and have very low opinions of themselves. Hence, those around them should constantly encourage and help them to see their strengths and capabilities.

Some individuals do not dare to apply for jobs because they are afraid to face the possible rejections. It is important to encourage them to keep looking for jobs and help them understand that there are many reasons why they are not selected.

Being unsuccessful at getting a job does not necessarily mean that one is not good. Timing is an important element in many circumstances. Some individuals take too long to apply for a job and by the time their applications reach the company, the employer may have already recruited other applicants.

Sometimes the staff member who resigned may decide to stay back and as a result, the company will stop the recruitment process. Some companies might prefer certain qualities and personalities that unfortunately are not found in some applicants. Hence, the applicants are not shortlisted simply because they do not match the criteria and not because they are incompetent.

And if in any case, the recruiters highlight the reasons for not selecting the applicants, they should be thankful for the invaluable feedback that is given to them. Instead of complaining or being defensive about the remarks, the applicants should reflect on their shortcomings and make the necessary changes.

It is important for individuals not to focus on their failures when they are unsuccessful in getting a job. Instead of feeling defeated, it is best that they try to improve the situation by taking corrective actions.

They could for instance, stop procrastinating, work on refining their resumes, improve their interview and presentation skills, pay attention to grooming, attend short training courses to improve employability, etc.

The key to getting a job is simply to keep applying, applying and applying until a suitable one comes along. Those with low success rates should get advice from experienced professionals among their friends and relatives. They will most likely be able to point out the areas of improvement for them to work on.

If necessary, engage the service of a professional consultant to give guidance on writing a good resume, developing essential skills that will help make a good impression, build up self-confidence, etc.

Unemployed jobseekers should not keep dwelling on the fact that they are without a job. If they spend too much time lamenting, they will not have the strength and time to apply for a job and get themselves out of the unfavourable situation.

They should instead stay positive at all times and believe that they will be able to find a suitable job soon. They should be willing to put their hearts and minds completely into job-hunting and make it their first priority.

Priscilla Hiu is a career guidance consultant of Gracia Management and a certified behavioural consultant of DISC Personality Profiling System, Institution of Motivation Living, USA and Extended DISC Personality Profiling System, Extended DISC Northgate.