The importance of thinking creatively


CREATIVITY is the ability to generate new ideas, make connections between irrelevant ideas, and find ways to solve problems in our lives.

We demonstrate creativity if we come up with a new idea or way of doing something; discover a new process for doing something; invent something that has never existed before or something which exists elsewhere but we have not come across; reapply an existing process or product into a new or different market; and change the perspective of others.

We all have the capacity to be creative. In fact, we are creative because we are constantly changing ideas about the world and about how to do things better.

Creativity is not necessarily about creating something new but it is more on developing new ideas, methods or processes from existing ways. There is a myth that we have to create something out of nothing in order to be creative. In fact, creativity is more about making connections between unrelated things and to be able to see things
from different and various perspectives.

Creative thinking is the process where we come up with a new idea or perspective. It is putting together ideas that have not been merged before. Brainstorming is one form of creative thinking. When we brainstorm, we combine our ideas with others’ ideas and use them as stimuli to create new ideas.

The creative thinking process can be accidental or deliberate. The accidental creative thinking process occurs when there are no special techniques being used. For instance, the character, Fido Dido was created when a staff member was doodling during a meeting.

Accidental creative thinking includes chance happenings that makes us think about something in a different way, which then leads to a positive change and outcome. Other changes might happen slowly through the use of intelligence and logical progression. The accidental or logical progression process might require a long time for products to develop and improve.

Deliberate creative thinking involves using special techniques to develop new ideas. This technique combines a wide range of ideas to trigger off or ignite new thoughts and processes. Brainstorming is one of these special techniques.
The generation of new ideas occurs more rapidly by using deliberate techniques compared to accidental creative thinking.

With constant practice, creative thinking can be a continuing process. Ongoing creativity increases the possibility of accidental and deliberate creative thinking. It takes time and deliberate practice to cultivate ongoing creative thinking but once we are able to make creative thinking a habit, it becomes an attitude and is no longer a technique.

We can develop ongoing creativity by first learning creative thinking techniques so that we can use them to come up with new ideas. When we keep practising the techniques, we will reach a stage when we no longer need to use specific techniques as we will have too many ideas.


How can we be sure if we are creative?

Here are some characteristics of creative thinkers:


• Have an interest in a wide range of related and deviating areas


• Possess self-confidence and trust their own judgement


• Use educated guesses when solving a puzzle or problem


• Have various perspectives on an issue or matter


• May forego regular or standard formats when solving problems


• Have a future course or direction


• Apply trial and error methods in their experimentation


Priscilla Hiu is a career guidance consultant of Gracia Management and a certified behavioural consultant of DISC Personality Profiling System, Institution of Motivation Living, USA and Extended DISC Personality Profiling System, Extended DISC Northgate.