Education Dept to build SK Bario’s new classrooms using IBS system

Dato Gerawat Gala

Dato Gerawat Gala

MIRI: The Education Department has opted to use the industrial building system (IBS)’s prefabrication concept to build a new classroom block for SK Bario to replace the one burned down.

Mulu assemblyman Dato Gerawat Gala hoped the department would be able to deliver its pledge before school re-opens next year.

“That is my wish,” Gerawat, who is also Deputy Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly, told a press conference yesterday after a trip to Bario with Minister of Local Government Datuk Dr Sim Hui Hian, Assistant Minister Datu Dr Penguang Manggil and Miri mayor Adam Yii.

Last Sept 4, on the eve of Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR), a block of SK Bario was destroyed by fire. That block comprised a kitchen, a computer room, and classrooms for Primary 1-6 and pre-school.  Losses were estimated at about RM 380,000.

The reconstruction work is expected to start next month.

Gerawat said the school currently used up all available space in the school hall, library, staff room, and dining hall as classrooms.

SMK Bario, about 200 metres away, has offered to let SK Bario use its classrooms in the afternoon, but the administrator of SK Bario decided it was better to stay put as the current school term would end in November.

On another matter, Gerawat said he supported the suggestion that Bario Airport runway be upgraded to accommodate bigger aircraft to cater to increased demand.

He said the thrice daily and ad-hoc Twin Otter flights during peak seasons were insufficient.