Survivor on mission to address mental health issues


Katie with her new book on her struggle with mental illness.

KUCHING: A psychiatrist once told Katie Maylea that her life was “boring, empty and pointless.”

Katie has battled the mental health system for most of her adult life. She has now published her story in a book “In Bloom Not Broken” to offer a personal insight into mental illness and provide hope to those struggling like she used to.

The woman who hails from Birmingham in Britain, not only wants to offer hope to those affected by mental health issues but also raise awareness on the battle within the mental health system itself to find the correct treatment.

She battled with mental health issues from age fourteen with self-harm, depression and then anorexia. She was later diagnosed with bipolar disorder after experiencing a manic episode. She contemplated ending her life and had been through six hospital admissions.

Today, Katie wants to share her story to show others that it is possible to come out the other side and raise awareness on gaps in mental health treatment.

“Raising awareness on mental health is something I am extremely passionate about. I want to show others that they are not alone with their feelings but I also want to raise awareness of the system itself.

“Good or bad treatment can literally make or break which I have found out so many times over the years and it is so important that that shortcomings are dealt with and changed. Once being told that ‘self-harm was child’s play’ and that my problem was that my life was ‘boring, empty and pointless’ made me drop out of the system for years,” she said, adding that had that not happened, she probably would have gotten better a lot sooner.

Her book ‘In Bloom Not Broken’, which is available in paperback and ebook formats on Amazon, guides the reader through Katie’s journey and into the world of mental illness as someone fighting for her sanity, sharing diary excerpts and poems written during her struggle.

Katie blogs and v-logs about topics related to mental health on her website For those struggling with mental health issues, Katie also mails ‘Happy Post’ free to them.

“I do this in hope that it will make someone feel less alone, as it can be extremely lonely and not everyone has a big support network,” she said.