Pa­rade, unique cos­tumes en­liven Gawai fes­tiv­i­ties at Kam­pung Taee


This float is so sturdy that it is able to trans­port dozens of peo­ple on board. It is one among many be­ing fea­tured in this year’s Gawai Dayak pa­rade in Kam­pung Taee. -Photo JKKK Kampung Taee

SERIAN: The an­nual Gawai Dayak pa­rade re­mains Kam­pung Taee’s unique way of cel­e­brat­ing the fes­ti­val, where the folk there would highlight cre­atively con­structed float sand colour­ful tra­di­tional cos­tumes through­out the pro­ces­sion.

Ac­cord­ing to a vil­lager Priscilla Michael, the pa­rade is not meant as a form of wor­ship or as mere per­for­mance.

“It is an ef­fort to make the fes­ti­val much, much live­lier. At the same time, it serves to in­tro­duce and show­case the arts, cul­ture and tra­di­tional dances of the Bukar Sadong group of the Bi­dayuhs.

“In Serian, the Bi­dayuhs here can be dif­fer­en­ti­ated from other groups within the same eth­nic com­mu­nity through our tra­di­tional at­tire and ac­ces­sories, as well as the his­tory that comes with them,” she shared on her Face­book page re­cently.

Priscilla said the an­nual pa­rade had been at­tract­ing many tourists, many of whom would visit Kam­pung Taee just for the event.

“We would of­fer ‘tuak’ to the vis­i­tors, and also serve them our tra­di­tional dishes, in­clud­ing one made from rice flour and a few made from jun­gle pro­duce.

“We would also en­ter­tain them with our wel­com­ing dance,” she added, re­mind­ing those who might have missed this year’s event, to ‘mark June 1 on their cal­en­dar next year’. Kam­pung Taee’s an­nual Gawai pa­rade takes place on June 1 ev­ery year, run­ning from 1pm to 5pm.