Detention may not be the best solution — Mahmood


PUTRAJAYA: Detaining those involved in the proposed illegal rally on July 9, may not be the best solution, but rather the government wants to inform the people of the consequences when taking part in such a rally.

Home Ministry secretary-general Tan Sri Mahmood Adam said the current scenario has changed, whereby the people would not accept any decision by the authorities to detain anyone, without any warning.

“So, we will inform the people what is happening. Just detaining them is not the solution. Can you accept if we arrest you straight away? he asked reporters during a dialogue with Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) at his office here yesterday.

Mahmood was commenting on calls from certain people and organisations, to take severe action against the organisers of the illegal rally, claiming that the ministry had been very lenient.

He said the government would study the more than 1,000 police reports received against the proposed illegal rally.

Speaking of the meeting with NGOs yesterday, Mahmood said though it was the first such meeting held between the ministry and NGOs, such meetings would continue to be held as a means of sharing ideas. — Bernama