Special committee set up to help borrowers of loans from Ah Long


GEORGE TOWN: Parti Cinta Malaysia (PCM), Penang MCA Youth and Penang Gerakan Youth have teamed up to form a special action committee to assist problematic borrowers of loans from Ah Longs (illegal money lenders).

PCM Youth chief Liew Yeow Hooi said they were prepared to be mediators to negotiate with Ah Longs on loan interest rates, period of payments and matters relating to security of borrowers.

He said to date, the committee had received more than 30 complaints from around Penang since it was set up early last month and had successfully solved 15 cases.

“Numerous races have sought aid involving debts from RM10,000 to RM200,000 and we promise we can help provided they pay all the money they borrowed. Other things, we can discuss,” he told reporters after handing over essential items
to 30 poor families in Padang Tembak, here, yesterday. — Bernama