Police fire four shots to stop speeding car


PLEASE EXPLAIN: Kuching acting police chief Supt Pauzi Bujang and his men questioning the woman.

KUCHING: Police fired four shots at a Perodua Kelisa car in an attempt to stop the driver from speeding away with the stolen vehicle early yesterday morning.

According to a source, the incident happened around 5am when policemen saw a man talking to a young woman on a motorcycle believed to be his accomplice by the roadside at Tabuan Desa.

Realising the presence of police, the man hastily entered the Kelisa car but was stopped by an officer who wanted to question him on a housebreaking in case.

However, the man locked the vehicle and sped away which prompted the officer to fire four shots, one hitting the tyre. The flat tyre forced the driver to stop at Tabuan Desa Market.

He came out of the vehicle and ran away from the scene. He was, however, arrested after a short chase. The 22-year-old woman from Lundu was also arrested.

Both suspects are believed to be involved in an earlier house break-in at Tabuan Desa. Recovered from the car were stolen items from the house.

The house owner realised that his house was broken into after seeing mess in the house and the missing Kelisa (car) around 4.30am yesterday.

He later called the police who happened to be in the vicinity.