Prof Xu on cancer care in seminar at Christian Ecumenical Centre


CANCER R&D: Professor Xu (left) speaks at the press conference. At right is FCH vice president Esther Law Lee Poh.

KUCHING: Chief president of Fuda Cancer Hospital (FCH), Guangzhou, Jinan University School of Medicine, Professor Xu Kecheng will give a charity seminar tomorrow (Nov 24) at Christian Ecumenical Centre.

To be held from 3pm to 4.30pm. admission for the public is free and Xu will also provide free consultation to patients after that.

Interested public members are advised to bring along their medical report to this seminar.

Xu, in a press conference yesterday, talked about the importance of early detection of cancer to increase the chances of survival.

He pointed out this can now be done with the availability of technology advancement.

“People need to change their idea from cancer treatment to prevention. Cancer happens because of gene mutation. The surrounding environment influences gene mutation. So, to prevent cancer, we must control the risk factors,” he stressed.

According to him, amongst the factors include obesity, unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol abuse, smoking, imbalanced diet, lack of exercise, too much red meat and too much of salty food.

He said breast cancer is common amongst women aged over 40 and in America, one of three women suffer from breast cancer. Liver cancer, gastric cancer, pancreas cancer and colorectal cancer are common amongst men in China and Asia.

Meanwhile, he said many cases were not detected early because cancer showed no obvious symptoms at early stage.

“Maybe this has something to do with the government and society. There is no consistent cancer check-up for the people and the awareness of cancer prevention needs to be raised. Some people refuse to do check-up until they suffer from pains and are really sick,” he said.

Xu, described as a famous gastroenterologist and oncologist from China, is a doctor of nearly 50 years and has been engaged in cancer research for 40 years.

Currently, he not only works with his medical team to treat more cancer patients, but also holds important posts in international medical cancer units to promote cancer care development and research.

He is the vice-president of China-Austria Coordinating Committee for Cryotherapy Research, honorary president of the Asian Institute of cryotherapy, special adviser of the Japan Society for Low Temperature Medicine.

The concept of cancer care and running a hospital raised by Xu have been well received by Chinese national units, so he was honoured with ‘The Figure with Lei Feng’s Spirit’ and the highest prize ‘Bethune Medal’ in Chinese national healthcare system by the state in 2012 and 2013.

Recently, he was invited to give lectures for the Chinese national units in major cities, sharing his experience of running a hospital and medical treatments.

In addition, he was also invited to the headquarters of the World Health Organisation to report his concepts of cancer treatment and cases to many cancer experts.