Consumer-related laws: 49 violations in Sri Aman last year



SRI AMAN: Forty-nine cases of violations of consumer-related laws were detected in Sri Aman last year.

Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism (KPDNKK) Sri Aman branch chief Wan Roslan Esmanto Wan Johari said 19 cases came under the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011, Control of Supply Act 1961 (four cases), Trade Description Act 2011 (12 cases), Weights and Measures Act 1972 (13 cases) and Consumer Protection Act 1999 (one case).

“We compounded 10 of these cases, while the remainder are still under investigation.”

He advised all traders, manufacturers and distributors here to toe the line to avoid being caught, especially now that ‘Ops Harga 2.0’ is on.

Ops Harga 2.0, he cautioned, would involve checks on traders, manufacturers, distributors, supplier, sundry shop, supermarket, hypermarket, produce market, and wet markets here on a regular basis.

“The operation includes checks on controlled items, food items, household items and food and drinks.

“Under Ops Harga 2.0, the ministry will be able to take immediate court action and not compound like previously.”