Security guard passes away while cutting grass


MARUDI: A 31-year-old security guard passed away while cutting grass at Kampung Ridan road, near the Batang Baram ferry point on Monday.

Martinus Balan, who worked as a night guard for a primary school, would earn extra income during the day by cutting grass.

His wife, who had been collecting midin by the riverbank near the ferry point, found him around 4.30pm.

Thinking he had fainted, she called on her friends for help.

However, they later realised that he had already passed away and informed the police.

Martinus was known to suffer from asthma and would often be admitted to Marudi Hospital.

Police transported his body to the hospital mortuary at 5pm.

He is expected to be buried in his village of Apau Gun in Tinjar.

Martinus had three children, the youngest of whom is just one.