Nurses, trainees visit Sabah Cheshire Home


The nurses and trainees with inmates and staff of Sabah Chesire Home.

SANDAKAN: Twenty-five nursing trainees and staff of Sandakan Nursing College and members of Sabah Nurses Association (SANA) here visited the Sabah Chesire Home recently.

The one-day visit was led by Sandakan Nursing College director Esther Wong Kheng Eng. Various activities involving the disabled residents of the home were held during the visit.

The program started with a morning exercise, cleaning the home and health screening followed by games. A contribution in the form of food and drinks was also presented to the residents.

Wong hoped that such programs would not only strengthen the relationship among nurses and special needs people who live at the home but also serve as a platform for nurses to learn about care and nursing techniques for disabled persons.

Also present was Sabah Cheshire Home assistant manager Cecelia Kimin.