Call to include July 22, 1963 into history textbooks an ‘irony’ — Sibu MP


SIBU: Sibu MP Oscar Ling believes that it is an irony for the SUPP to propose for the inclusion of July 22, 1963, into the history textbooks in schools.

“The government did not even include the date of the formation of Malaysia on Sept 16, 1963, in the history textbooks. Now SUPP is calling for the inclusion of the date (July 22, 1963) of Sarawak independence. Isn’t this ironic?” he told reporters duringa press conference here yesterday.

Ling said what SUPP should do was to request for the inclusion of the date when Malaysia was formed into the textbooks so that the younger generation would be aware of Sarawak history.

The MP was referring to the statement made by Assistant Minister of CommunicationsDatuk Lee Kim Shin, who made a call on the federal government to include the event on July 22, 1963, into the history textbooks.

“I have brought up this issue (on the inclusion of the formation of Malaysia Day)in several occasions but the relevant authorities have yet to respond upon the matter,” he added.

Ling, however, supported the proposed declaration of July 22 as a state public holiday to commemorate the day when Sarawak gained independence from British colonial rule in 1963, prior to the formation of Malaysia on Sept 16 that same year.

Meanwhile, Lanang MP Alice Lau also made a call on SUPP to stop making misleading statements saying that DAP is a Peninsular Malaysia-based party, and that only SUPP could help Sarawakians solve matters pertaining to Sarawak.

“Let us put the record straight once and for all — DAP is a national party, not a Peninsular Malaysian one. Its interest is to serve all Malaysians,” she said.

Lau also criticised SUPP for being a lame duck after so many years being a partner of the ruling Barisan Nasional government in the state.

“What SUPP, being a locally-based party, has failed to do, we are there to provide the checks and balances that would ensure that the governance of the day would be conducted in total transparency,” she added.