Massage parlour found stealing electricity

Photo shows the modified cut out fuses with the three-pin plugs supplying electricity to the massage parlour.

Photo shows the modified cut out fuses with the three-pin plugs supplying electricity to the massage parlour.

KUCHING: A meter inspection and enforcement team led by Syarikat Sesco Berhad raided a massage parlour at Jalan Sekama here recently following information that the operator was stealing electricity.

The raid was conducted by 15 personnel comprising Sesco technicians and auxiliary police, the Electrical Inspectorate Unit (EIU) of the Ministry of Public Utilities and the police to ensure the safety of the operation.

Based on the findings gathered by Sesco’s undercover surveillance team, the two-floor massage parlour had apparently used modified cut out fuses to bypass the meters to steal electricity from 6pm onwards to avoid detection during the day.

According to a press release issued yesterday, Sesco’s undercover surveillance team revisited the premises to verify whether the modified cut out fuses had been reconnected.

Upon reconfirming the illegal connection, the raiding team moved in to secure the site and found two modified cut out fuses which were installed to bypass the meters.

This resulted in the actual consumption of the premises not being detected and registered by the meters.

Further investigation also showed that the modified fuses were attached with three-pin plugs enabling them to connect to socket outlets supplying to both floors of the massage parlour.

The massage parlour is fully air conditioned for more than eight hours daily and the amount of electricity used did not tally with the monthly billing of the parlour, which is ridiculously low for such consumption pattern.

All exhibits seized from the raid will be used as evidence for prosecution purposes and a police report has also been lodged.

The operator will be called to assist with the investigation.

“Sesco is aware that some consumers are using this method of tampering to steal electricity after office hours assuming that our meter inspection team will only conduct inspection during the day.

“However, we have undercover surveillance teams that monitor suspicious cases. If we find these cases are true, we will not hesitate to take action against them just like in the case of this massage parlour,” a Sesco spokesperson said.

Sesco seeks the cooperation from members of the public who have information on any power theft activities to call the Sesco power theft hotline at 082-44 35 35 or email [email protected].

All information will be kept strictly confidential.

Stealing electricity is a dangerous crime and punishable under Section 33(5) of the Electricity Ordinance with a fine of up to RM100,000 or imprisonment of five years or both on conviction.