Mahdzir: SPM to proceed as scheduled despite haze


KUALA LUMPUR: The Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2015 examination scheduled for next month will proceed despite the haze still affecting the country.

Education Minister Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid said the examination that is scheduled to take place from November 2 could not be postponed just because some of the candidates were facing breathing problems due to the haze.

“We cannot postpone the SPM as the examination involves 400,000 candidates and there is only some of them who are having respiratory problems from the haze effect,” he told reporters at the Parliament lobby here yesterday.

However, Mahdzir said the ministry will consider providing special rooms for SPM candidates who had respiratory problems when sitting for the examination during the haze.

“We already know how many student are facing breathing problems at each and every school, we will take action if the haze worsens, so will conduct the exam in a special room for them,” he said.

Commenting on some school staff who were required to come to work although the schools were instructed to be closed,
Mahdzir said it was subjected to the school principal’s dicretion.

“It is more to volunteering, when it is near the examination period, there are lots of things that need to be dealt with at school, there are certain principals who asked for the staff to come and solve those things.

Mahdzir said the ministry was also concerned about the school sessions that might be disrupted as a result of school
closures due to severe haze. — Bernama