Adenan’s body brought home last night

Abang Johari (second left) overseeing the preparation of Adenan’s coffin for the prayer ceremony.

Abang Johari (second left) overseeing the preparation of Adenan’s coffin for the prayer ceremony.

KUCHING: The hearse carrying the body of the late Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem arrived at his house in Santubong around 7.03pm yesterday.

A Yassin recital was held, attended by family members, relatives and close friends.

Many people arrived at the Damai Jaya residence as early as 3pm while Adenan’s body was being prepared at the Sarawak General Hospital Heart Centre in Samarahan. Among the people who came early were those from his constituency of Tanjung Datu as well as those staying nearby in Santubong and Damai.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Openg arrived around 6.30pm with his wife Datin Amar Jumaani Tuanku Bujang. Others who came to pay their last respects were close friends including KTS Group of Companies managing director Dato Henry Lau.