Be sure to get your pets vaccinated, dog owners reminded


Lee (second left) sees how veterinarian Dr Sajem Jinim (centre) prepares to inject a dog with rabies vaccine. Looking on are Sebastian (left) and Yii (right).

MIRI: Dog owners here are reminded to have their pets vaccinated to ensure that the northern part of the state would remain rabies-free.

In this regard, Assistant Minister of Tourism, Art and Culture, Datuk Lee Kim Shin points out that the free vaccination programme is being carried out in stages across the city.

“Miri is rabies-free, but we must stay vigilant and always take precautionary measures to prevent the spread (here), including by ensuring that our dogs are getting vaccination,” he spoke at the mass rabies vaccination exercise that took place at the civic centre here yesterday.

Adding on, Lee said dog owners must realise that rabies could be fatal once a person is bitten by an infected dog.

“Dog owners must also be responsible, by not letting their dogs mix freely with strays,” he stressed.

Moreover Lee, who is Senadin assemblyman, emphasised the need for Miri City Council (MCC) to collaborate with non-governmental organisations (NGO) to capture stray dogs roaming around housing and commercial areas.

“Most importantly, dog owners must register and license their dogs with the council so that it would be easier to keep track of the animals for rabies vaccination programme every year,” he said, adding that the ignorance of some dog owners was among the factors contributing to the increase in number of strays.

Meanwhile, Lee praised Zero Strays for its initiative in controlling the number of strays through the ‘Trap, Neuter and Release’ (TNR) programme.

According to him, the NGO has a shelter for strays and members of the public are encouraged to adopt these animals, which have undergone vaccination.

“Neutering female dogs is one of the best ways to control the population of strays and in a long run, it would also control the spread of rabies.”

At the programme yesterday, a total of 44 volunteers who helped out in the exercise and assisted MCC in catching stray dogs were also given anti-rabies vaccine.

“The vaccine for humans cost RM400 per dosage – each person would need three doses, which are administered within a period of 21 days. So the total cost per person is RM1,200, but for now it (vaccination) is given free by the state government,” said Lee.

Piasau assemblyman Datuk Sebastian Ting, Pujut assemblyman Dr Ting Tiong Choon, Miri Mayor Adam Yii, Miri Resident Sherrina Hussaini, Miri District Officer Abdul Azis Mohd Yusuf and Ministry of Local Government and Housing head of public health Dr Cheong Yaw Liang were also present.

Lee (standing, fourth left) watches Dr Cheong administering an anti-rabbies vaccine to one of the programme volunteers.