Evolution of state colours and the stories they tell


This flag was used by the first Rajah of Sarawak Sir James Brooke between 1841 and 1848.

Sarawak has altered its flags a number of times since Sir James Brooke was installed as the first White Rajah, providing snapshots of significant milestones in the state’s history.

It is said that Brooke first flew his personal flag that depicted the St George’s cross over his fort at Belidah – now Bau – between Sept 14, 1841 and Sept 20, 1848.

This flag depicted a red emblem on a white background but it could not be considered the first actual flag per se.

Research has it that the flag was also carried in the war boats of Brooke’s Malay and Dayak chiefs who supported him during the early turbulent years of his rule over the territory from Tanjung Datu to the Sadong River.

It is learnt that Sarawak’s first actual flag was designed by Brooke himself. The design of this flag is said to be based on his own family’s coat of arms.

This flag consisted of a cross located in the centre of a yellow background with the cross split in two – either side being blue and red in colour.

The first official state flag flown between 1848 and 1870.

As such, Sarawak’s first official flag was flown from Sept 21, 1848 to May 6, 1870.

At the time, Sarawak had been enlarged from Tanjung Datu up to Oya River in Sarikei.

A change of flag more often than not takes place for reasons such as a shift in political power, progression in national structure or a change of country’s demographic and national interest.

When Charles Brooke became the second Rajah, he gave the official flag a new image by changing the colour of the blue side of the cross to black.

Despite the change and the mentioned reasons for a change of flag, the genuine reason for the change by Charles Brooke was unrecorded. Neither was it revealed in the state archives.

Nevertheless, legend has it that representatives of the three major communities in Sarawak – Malay, Chinese and Dayak – presented gifts to Charles Brooke when he was proclaimed the second Rajah on Aug 3, 1868.

The Malays are said to have presented gifts wrapped in yellow cloth while the Dayaks and the Chinese – in black cloth and red cloth, respectively.

The three colours could have attracted the attention of the second Rajah who is believed to have always had the welfare and interest of the people at heart.

Charles Brooke then decided to change the colour of the first official flag from yellow, blue and red to yellow, black and red in line with the favourite colours of the three major communities.

Interestingly, the Foochows who travelled all the way from China are said to have recognised the flag when they first arrived in Sibu way back then.

It is said that shopkeepers had flown the flag from the first floor of their shops during various government occasions.

The second Sarawak flag flown between 1870 and 1941.

The yellow, black and red flag was flown between May 7, 1870 to Dec 2, 1941.

The flag of Sarawak later saw another slight alteration to distinguish the State from other British Crown colonies.

In this change, a yellow five-point crown was added to the centre of the cross to signify Sarawak as a British Crown Colony.

The flag of the Kingdom of Sarawak with a five-pointed crown located in the centre, was used between 1948 and 1973.

The five pointed triangles on the crown signified the five divisions of Sarawak when it became a British colony from July 1, 1946 to Sept 16, 1963.

The flag continued to be flown in Sarawak for a decade after the formation of Malaysia.

The Trisakti, Sarawak’s first state flag within Malaysia, was used between 1973 and 1988.

On Aug 31, 1973, the design of the Sarawak state colours registered a radical change when it was replaced by the Trisakti flag.

In fact, the Trisakti was the first Sarawak flag within Malaysia.

This new design – with a blue triangle occupying the left half of the flag, and the top and bottom halves divided into red and white respectively – was credited to then chief minister the late Tun Abdul Rahman Ya’kub.

The blue triangle represents unity among the people, the red half signifies courage and perseverance while white reflects honesty and purity.

The chief minister at the time hoisted the flag at midnight on Aug 31, 1973 to mark Sarawak’s 10th anniversary of independence within Malaysia.

The current Sarawak state flag has been in use since 1988.

The flag was used until Aug 30, 1988.

The Sarawak flag was later altered again. The new version, which retained the colours of the original flags from 1870, consists of a nine-pointed yellow star on two black and red diagonal strips, with the remaining corners also coloured yellow.

The nine-pointed star serves to represent the then nine divisions of Sarawak.

The star signifies the aspirations of the people of Sarawak in their quest to improve their quality of life.

The colour yellow denotes the supremacy of Law and Order, unity and stability in diversity while red symbolises the courage, determination and sacrifices of the people in their tireless pursuit to attain and maintain progress and esteem in the course of creating a model State.

The colour black portrays the rich natural resources and wealth of Sarawak such as petroleum and timber, providing the foundation for the advancement of the people.

Then chief minister, who is now the Yang di-Pertua Negeri Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, raised the new flag on Aug 31, 1988 to commemorate Sarawak’s 25th anniversary of independence within Malaysia.

During the introduction of the new flag at Sarawak Stadium, a new state anthem titled ‘Ibu Pertiwiku’ (My Motherland) and a new state motto – Bersatu, Berusaha, Berbakti (United, Striving, Serving) – was also launched.