S’wak Health director: Lawas cancer patient never denied of treatment at hospitals


Dr Ooi Choo Huck

MIRI (April 12): Cancer patient Lina Samuel from Lawas, whose MyKad was seized by the National Registration Department (JPN) Lawas, was never denied any treatment by hospitals, said Sarawak Health Department director Dr Ooi Choo Huck.

“The Health Department would like to refer to a media report on the issue of a cancer patient in Sarawak who experienced difficulty after her MyKad was confiscated by the JPN in Nov 2022, thus making it difficult for her to get treatment at any government hospital.

“The department would like to inform that health services have continued to be provided to this patient regardless of her status,” Dr Ooi said in a statement today.

Dr Ooi said that Lina, 65, is a cancer patient being treated and supervised by doctors at Miri Hospital.

He added that Miri Hospital had performed several procedures on Lina, including imaging on Feb 15, surgical procedure on Feb 17 and follow-up imaging on March 20.

“In terms of treatment and examination, Miri Hospital has provided appropriate services to the patient. In fact, the patient was also given an appointment for follow-up treatment at the specialist clinic in Miri Hospital on April 17,” said Dr Ooi.

He added that Lina had also received treatment at the Emergency and Trauma Unit in Lawas Hospital on April 1, where she underwent an examination and was referred to a medical officer who was on call, and was given appropriate treatment.

“Furthermore, the department has contacted the patient’s daughter who confirmed that Lawas Hospital and Miri Hospital never refused to treat her mother.

“The state Health Dept is committed to providing the best service to the people of Sarawak regardless of their background, but subject to current laws and regulations,” he said.

Meanwhile, social activist Agnes Padan, when contacted, acknowledged the assistance of doctors and staff in treating Lina during her treatment.

However, she said Lina’s concern now was whether she could meet specialists at Miri Hospital on April 17 as she might not be able to travel by air or land with only a photocopy of her MyKad.

“Can she be transported from Lawas to Miri by ambulance without her MyKad? Will she be able to get assistance from National Cancer Council (Makna) or Palliative Care?

“In the event she has to go for radiotherapy in Kuching, will she be allowed to fly without her MyKad?” asked Agnes.

Lina’s story made the rounds on social media since Sunday after it was reported by Malaysiakini.

In response, Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said Lina was stripped of her MyKad because JPN discovered she is an Indonesian citizen.

He said JPN does not arbitrarily withdraw identification documents, adding that an investigation panel would probe the issue.

Agnes had since called on the Home Ministry to be humane in the case of Lina, who was diagnosed with colon cancer.