Shafie to submit anti-hopping bill to Sabah State Legislative Assembly


Datuk Seri Panglima Mohd Shafie Apdal added that he was not accusing anyone of jumping from party to party for the sake of getting a position. – Bernama photo

KOTA KINABALU (April 15): Warisan president Datuk Seri Panglima Mohd Shafie Apdal will be submitting the anti-hopping bill to the Sabah State Legislative Assembly in its next sitting.

“I will submit it to be presented. If the government does not want to present it, I will present it as this is allowed in the country and in Sabah so that it can be streamlined between central (government) and Sabah to avoid instability,” he said to the media at the breaking of fast event at Masjid Jamek Likas here today.

He added that he was not accusing anyone of jumping from party to party for the sake of getting a position.

“We leave it to the people of Sabah. They have the right to pick their representative to address their problems,” he said.

Shafie also said that Warisan supports the Unity Government at Federal level, but has no problem being the opposition at Sabah State level.

“I have no problem as an opposition at the State level. I will voice out the voice of the people at the grassroot, their discontentment on various problems such as electricity supply that is often disrupted and basic facility including doctors where every month there are resignations,” he said.

He proposed that Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) be upgraded to educate Sabahans to become doctors so that there’s no need to think of outstation allowance, housing and others because the doctors are Sabahans.

So, the expenditure would be less, he said.

Shafie also commented on the “Double Six” report which was declassified recently by the Federal Government and the feedback of the families affected.

He said that it was important for the relevant ministry to provide the family with more details.