Dr Sim: GPS’ manifesto comprehensive, inclusive


Dr Sim (centre) together with Tanjong Batu assemblyman Johnny Pang (left) and Pelawan assemblyman Michael Tiang pose while gesturing Iskandar’s number on the ballot paper. – Sarawak Public Communications Unit photo

BINTULU (Oct 30): Gabungan Parti Sarawak’s (GPS) manifesto for the Jepak by-election reflects the state coalition’s commitment to developing the state without leaving out any race or religion, said Deputy Premier Dato Amar Dr Sim Kui Hian.

The manifesto, he said, is a comprehensive plan that outlines Sarawak’s development roadmap, compared to those by other political parties.

“Not only once, twice or quite a few times, the manifesto of other parties is always ‘tengok saja’ and no comprehensive plans.

“GPS’ manifesto is a promise and has a comprehensive plan that clearly shows our roadmap for Sarawak,” he told a press conference here yesterday, following the launching of the GPS manifesto for the by-election by Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Hasan.

Dr Sim, who is Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) president, said as a component of GPS, party members are out in full force in Jepak to campaign for the coalition’s candidate Iskandar Turkee.

“The votes are not just for Iskandar himself but for GPS to continue the work of the late Datuk Talib Zulpilip,” he added.

At the same time, Dr Sim called on the roughly 1,400 registered Chinese voters in Jepak to exercise their voting responsibility on Nov 4.

“Even though there are only about 1,400 Chinese voters in Jepak, the community must cast their votes because we don’t want people to say that the Chinese only ‘tengok saja’ and always unhappy.”

He said a convincing win for Iskandar would prove that the people strongly support what the state government is doing for Sarawak.

“Vote for GPS this Saturday by voting Iskandar – Number 2 (on the ballot paper). ‘Jangan tengok saja’,” he said.