Foundation presents angpows to charity organisations


Members of the foundation’s board of management and other guests join the residents of Sarawak Hun Nam Siang T’ng Old Folks Home in a group photo.

KUCHING (Jan 24): The Hii Yii Ngiik and Wong Ai Lang Foundation presented 300 ‘angpows’ (cash packets) to various institutions, at the Sarawak Hun Nam Siang T’ng premises here yesterday.

According to the foundation’s chairman Kapitan Dato’ Philip Hii, this annual event is held in remembrance of his father, the late Dr Hii Yii Ngiik.

“The foundation was established about 40 years ago by my late father,” he told The Borneo Post.

“My father once said that the objectives and functions of this foundation were to help him execute his desire, which was to be a part of a loving and caring society with the help of his family and friends.

“His wish was to love God and his neighbours, in spirit and in action; to help the poor, the sick and the needy; to help outstanding students from poor families; and to support the charitable organisations,” he added.

The recipients of the angpows were the Sarawak Hun Nam Siang T’ng Old Folks Home, School for the Mentally Challenged Children, Sarawak Society for the Blind Kuching Branch, Sarawak Cheshire Home, The Salvation Army Children’s Home and Home of Santa Clara.

Also present at the event were the foundation’s deputy chairman Jacob Hii, secretary Sim Wei Siong and treasurer Francis Hii.