Sabah’s veteran actor passes away


An old photograph of the late Elias Lantau Augustine.

KOTA KINABALU (May 24): Veteran actor Elias Lantau Augustine, best known for his iconic portrayal of ‘Mat Salleh’ in the 1983 Sabah Filem Production film “Mat Salleh Pahlawan Sabah,” has passed away, said his son Kenny Elias.

Elias Lantau, 89, who acted in the film directed by Omar Rojik, worked together with Ghazali Sumantri and Maria Arshad passed away at 11.54am today, at his family house in Kampung Barus Bohokon, Tuaran.

He was the first actor from the Suang Lotud ethnicity to act in Malay films.

The former Mr Sabah 1963 had also acted in the film “Puaka” directed by Omar Rojik in 1973, “Si Buta” in 1975, “Rahsia Hatiku” in 1975 and “Loceng Maut” in 1977.

He had acted with actors Hussein Abu Hassan, Tamam Idris, Maria Arshad, Sharifah Hanim, Mak Enon, Mariati, M.Amin, Ali Rahman and a few others.

Elias Lantau leaves behind three sons.