Sabah Pakatan supports state govt move to drop challenge


Sabah PH leaders at their meeting yesterday.

KOTA KINABALU(May 25): Pakatan Harapan supports the Sabah government’s move to retract its challenge against the Sabah Law Society (SLS) for its 40% special grant court case against the federal government in the Court of Appeal.

In a statement today, the Sabah PH leadership council said it fully understands and respects the decision taken by SLS in bringing Sabah 40 percent constitutional rights to court in their judicial review application.

In 2022, Sabah PH had also initiated a court action against the Federal and Sabah governments by way of Originating Summons claiming for Sabah’s 40 percent constitutional right to be respected and implemented.

“Sabah PH now being part of the federal and state governments is determined to ensure for the matter to be resolved through the Implementation Action Council and the Technical Committee (MA63 Committees) headed by the Prime Minister and the second Deputy Prime Minister respectively.

“Sabah PH also views positively with SLS action continues to be heard in court and at the same time the commitment of the federal government to resolve the MA63 matters through the establishment of the MA63 committees with representatives from the Sabah and Sarawak government appointed to these committees.

“Our approach may differ but our goal remains the same and is to ensure that the contitutional rights of Sabah in the MA63 is fully respected and implemented,” it said.

Sabah PH announced its support after United Sabah National Organisation (Usno) president Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia questioned the silence of Pakatan leaders in the State Cabinet on the matter.

Sabah PH is made up of Democratic Action Party (DAP), Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Amanah and United Progressive Kinabalu Organization (UPKO).

On the issue of Madani Village Development Committee (JKDM), Sabah PH said it takes a strong view that they should not be introduced and implemented in Sabah.

Just recently the Sabah State Legislative Assembly had passed an amendment to the Rural Administration Ordinance which now gives the power and autonomy to the Sabah government to appoint and manage the administration of village committees such as the Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK) in Sabah.

Every Sabah PH elected representative supported the amendments to the Rural Administration Ordinance which intends to give autonomy to the Sabah government to manage its affairs.

“We welcome any federal fundings given to Sabah especially for the development and benefit of the rural communities in Sabah.

“We also believe that such funds should be managed by the Sabah government to give meaning and respect towards Sabah state laws,” it said.

On numerous reports and speculations on its coalition partners in facing the coming Sabah state election, PH Sabah said it has yet to discuss of any understanding or possible alliance(s) to be formed for the coming election.

Nevertheless, Sabah PH said it remains part of the Sabah government and supports the leadership of Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor and seeing that this government reach its full term.

“What is equally important is that we are committed in focusing on the development and well-being of the people under the Madani government,” it said.

Yesterday, Pandikar called on DAP and PKR leaders in Sabah to be professional and render their support to Hajiji in his uncompromising stance on the 40 percent Sabah rights under Articles 112C and 112D.

Pandikar questioned why leaders from DAP and PKR in Sabah have been silent on the matter.

“To me, this silence means that DAP and PKR ministers in Datuk Seri Panglima Hajiji Mohd Noor’s government agree with their leaders in Putrajaya who oppose the 40 percent claim by the Sabah people under Articles 112C and 112D of the Federal Constitution, as evidenced by the Malaysia Attorney-General’s appeal against the High Court decision in Kota Kinabalu, which allowed SLS to seek judicial review on the 40 percent rights of the Sabah people under Articles 112C and 112D,” said Pandikar in a statement on Friday.

He went on to question the sincerity of leaders from the two parties in Sabah in supporting Hajiji.

He cited that at a fund-raising dinner on April 29, a DAP Sabah leader had advised Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president Datuk Yong Teck Lee to be professional and accept the current political reality, and to prioritise the progress of the people of Sabah over politicking.

“If DAP and PKR leaders in Hajiji’s government are sincere in assisting the Chief Minister in developing Sabah, why are they silent when Hajijj needs support and defense for the 40% claim under Articles 112C and 112D?”

“Do DAP and PKR ministers in Hajiji’s government consider the 40% claim of the people of Sabah under Articles 112C and 112D to be insignificant and unimportant?” he asked.

“Since the ‘blunder’ by Tengku Datuk Fuad in the SLS vs Federal Government case on May 16, the Chief Minister has made an official statement to the people of Sabah, assuring them that his government remains committed and uncompromising regarding the 40% rights of the people of Sabah enshrined in Articles 112C and 112D,” said Pandikar.

He added that Hajiji’s stance had been further reinforced by the official statement from the Sabah Attorney-General, who stated that any misguided arguments presented by Tengku Datuk Fuad during the Court of Appeal hearing on May 16 will be corrected.

“As far as I know, the Sabah Attorney-General, in her official statement today (May 24), clarified that Tengku Datuk Fuad’s services as the representative of the Sabah state government in the SLS vs Federal Government case have been withdrawn and terminated.

“In addition to terminating Tengku Datuk Fuad’s services, the Attorney-General’s Office informed the Court of Appeal today (May 24) that all arguments made by Tengku Datuk Fuad on May 16 have been retracted as they contradict and do not reflect the position of the Sabah state government,” said Pandikar.

He also said that prior to Tengku Datuk Fuad’s ‘blunder’ on May 16, PH (DAP and PKR) ministers in Hajiji’s government, as members of the Cabinet, had issued press statements and shown a commitment to supporting the Chief Minister of Sabah in developing the state.