Making a wish for Sarawak at ‘Tree of Justice’

Baru (second left) does his bit for the fund-raising drive while (from left) Ismail, Tan, state PKR office secretary Roslind Lambet and Dr Xavier look on.

Baru (second left) does his bit for the fund-raising drive while (from left) Ismail, Tan, state PKR office secretary Roslind Lambet and
Dr Xavier look on.

Baru shows the wish card hung on the ‘Tree of Justice’.

Baru shows the wish card hung on the ‘Tree of Justice’.

KUCHING: A ‘Keadilan Tree’ was planted at the PKR main operations centre here yesterday, a tree where Sarawakians can make their wishes.

State PKR chairman Baru Bian said the party had printed 3,000 wish cards for the public to write what they wish for Sarawak, which they could hang on the ‘Tree of Justice’ displayed at the operations centre in Jalan Stephen Kalong Ningkan, here.

“PKR has always been listening to the voices of the people, and we would like to acknowledge the importance and significance of the people’s voices during this election, where candidates are seeking mandate from the people,” he told a press conference at the operations centre yesterday.

Baru, who is seeking re-election in Ba Kelalan, said apart from ensuring the constituents had access to better infrastructure and amenities, their assemblymen had tried their very best in the last five years to scrutinise government policies, campaign for institutional changes in the legislative assembly and better governance, speak up for all sectors particularly the maginalised people, support civil society and community works.

“Over the last five years, assemblymen, party members and volunteers have also worked beyond their constituencies and among them was to assist the Penans in Baram to set up pre-schools and give assistance to children from the poor indigenous communities.

“Those of us who are in a better position can always extend our assistance to those who are in need.”

Baru said advice and opinions from the public were useful for politicians to formulate more effective policies for the interest of Sarawak and Sarawakians.

“The ‘Keadilan Tree’ is therefore meant for the people to make their wishes and to offer their views for a better Sarawak and a just society.”

He said the wish cards exercise was also a way to raise funds for PKR operations centres in this state election.

“The cards are not for sale but will be given to the donors, while the amount of donation is on a voluntary basis. It is up to the donors to donate whatever amount they want.

“I hope that a RM26 donation for every card will give us strength to fight against corruption, extremism, abuse of power, poor education, poverty and create a just society.”

PKR vice president Dr Xavier Jayakumar, PKR central elections department operations manager Ismail Yusop, state PKR vice chairman See Chee How and state PKR assistant secretary Lynette Tan were among those present at the press conference.