New jetty ensures comfort and security for commuters

Talib presents a ‘handing over’ document of the jetty to Rahim Wahab who is the chairman of Persatuan Penambang Bumiputera Bintulu.

Talib presents a ‘handing over’ document of the jetty to Rahim Wahab who is the chairman of Persatuan Penambang Bumiputera Bintulu.

The completed motorcycle jetty.

The completed motorcycle jetty.

BINTULU: About 1,800 passengers and 1,300 motorcyclists from Kampung Jepak who rely on ferries to Bintulu town on a daily basis have benefited from the construction of the new motorcycle jetty in the village.

The jetty, completed on 26 September 2015, was implemented under the Rural Transformation Project and constructed by A.K.S Holding Sdn Bhd at a cost of RM200,000.

The completed facility included a motorcycle jetty, road and concrete drain.

The jetty was handed over to Persatuan Penambang Bumiputera Bintulu by Bintulu Development Authority (BDA) in a simple ceremony yesterday.

Representing BDA during the handing over ceremony was BN candidate for Jepak Datuk Talib Zulpilip.

In his speech, Talib said the BN government will bring more development to the community under his constituency if he were given the support and strong mandate to be their elected representative for Jepak.

“If we win, we will get more development projects,” he said, adding that Jepak community should be proud because in recent years there were many development projects implemented in the village.

He said any problems or local issues involving the community should be addressed through proper channels.

For public facilities that needed immediate repair he said it should be highlighted to the relevant department for example Public Works Department, BDA or Bintulu Resident Office.

“If there is no response, you can inform me, my telephone number is 012-8983366. If you have problems I will answer your calls but it doesn’t mean that it can be solved immediately.

“We will find the solutions, if no money we will find the funds. The government is here for the convenience of the rakyat” Talib assurred.

Also present were Bintulu Resident Muhammad Yakup Kari, JKR divisional engineer Wisil Lichok, BDA senior officers and local community leaders.