Vegetable seller run over, killed by reversing vehicle

The Avanza that became the target of public anger.

The Avanza that became the target of public anger.

KUCHING: A vegetable seller at Stutong Community Market here was killed instantly when her customer reversed into her at the parking bay late Friday. The deceased was identified as Voon Joon Moi, 33, of Mile 9 Penrissen Road.

The tragic incident took place around 11pm when Voon and a host of other sellers were selling their produce at the parking bay of the market.

According to witnesses, Voon’s regular customer, a woman in her 40s, was leaving after buying vegetables when she reversed her car and ran into Voon.

The victim’s family members including her husband who were with her at the time, managed to jump out of harm’s way but Voon was run over and pinned underneath the vehicle. After the incident, a family member rushed over to the scene and, together with Voon’s husband, sent her to Sarawak General Hospital where doctors pronounced her dead upon arrival.

Meanwhile, irate traders, friends and family members of the victim vented their anger on the car by smashing it, while its driver headed to the police station to lodge a report on the accident.

Voon was a mother of eight, according to some people at the scene. Other vendors said she usually carried her baby with her while selling her products, but fortunately was not doing so when the tragedy happened.

Traffic police are probing the fatal accident.