Sibu Municipal Council mulls setting up designated areas for the burning of paper offerings


Paper money and other items seen near Bukit Lima Roundabout.

SIBU (Aug 20): Sibu Municipal Council (SMC) mulls providing designated areas for the burning of paper offerings, said its deputy chairman Mohammed Abdullah Izkandar Roseley.

He said that this was among the measures being considered to mitigate the issue of littering and environmental concerns that comes with the practice.

Izkandar told The Borneo Post this yesterday, when asked to comment on the burning of paper money on Friday night which left the area near Bukit Lima Roundabout in a clutter.

“This matter has been raised several times in (SMC) Public Health and General Purposes meetings. The council respects the tradition of burning rituals but individuals and organisations must take responsibility to maintain cleanliness.

“To mitigate this issue, the council may consider implementing an awareness campaign on responsible disposal; provide designated burning areas; or encourage digital alternatives for offerings,” he said.

Yesterday afternoon, it was noted that the area had already been cleaned up by council workers.