Outsiders should follow the ‘Sarawakian way’ on unity, says Lee


Lee (eighth left), flanked by David and Jimmy (sixth right), pose with the guests and young models in ‘buriek’ fashion creations.

MIRI (May 20): Outsiders should learn from the people of Sarawak when it comes to racial and religious harmony, and not the other way around, said Dato Sri Lee Kim Shin.

In this regard, the state Transport Minister called on all Sarawakians to continue promoting the ‘Sarawak way of life’ to serve as an example to others.

“We must defend our way of life in Sarawak in terms of racial and religious harmony, and not follow the lifestyle on the other side of the sea.

“If we are united, then we will be strong. When we are strong, people will respect us and with this strength, we will not be divided,” he said.

The Senadin assemblyman said this in his officiating speech at the ‘Malam Buriek’ hosted by the Persatuan Gagasan Anak Dayak Sarawak (GADS) in conjunction with the Gawai Dayak Bazaar at Permyjaya here Saturday.

He also reminded the public to be wary of outsiders’ incitement to hostility or violence that could eventually disrupt the peace and harmony in Sarawak.

On this year’s GDB event, Lee was pleased to see the good response from the multiracial community and expressed his hope for the event to be held on a yearly basis.

As a token of support, he announced an allocation of RM10,000 to GADS for the organising committee to fund its activities.

Event organising chairman Jimmy Lawie, who also spoke at the event, said the bazaar which entered its 10th edition this year featured ‘kain buriek’ as its cultural highlights.

The Iban traditional attire ‘kain buriek’ that is beaded with shells has made a comeback and gained popularity among the local community, he said.

“In fact, many Iban women especially housewives have made the making of ‘kain buriek’ as their source of side income,” he added.

Also present at the event were GADS chairman David Upe and GADS legal advisor Jonathan Bedindang.