Deirdre Serena Sendi Michael Remy crowned Kumang Gawai Dayak Sibu 2024


Deirdre (seated) flanked by Clarissa (fourth left) and Nelly (second right) pose for the camera, as Angelina (right), Uchi (third left) and others look on.

SIBU (May 26): Deirdre Serena Sendi Michael Remy was crowned ‘Kumang Gawai Dayak Sibu 2024’ at the Sibu Division ‘Malam Mantar Gawai Dayak’ held at Kingwood Hotel here on Saturday.

The ‘Kumang’ (winner) took home RM4,000 alongside a crown, sash, trophy, hamper and participation certificate.

Meanwhile, the ‘Lulung’ (first runner-up) was awarded to Clarissa Rinya Setian, who won RM3,000 alongside a sash, trophy, hamper, and participation certificate.

Moreover, the ‘Selinggar Matahari’ (second runner-up) was awarded to Nelly Mujan Rogelio, who won RM2,000 alongside a sash, trophy, hamper, and participation certificate.

The fourth to tenth winner each took home RM800 and a participation certificate as consolation prizes.

The prizes were presented by Datin Sri Angelina Celestine Ujang, wife to the Public Works Minister Dato Sri Alexander Nanta Linggi.

Accompanying Angelina was Sarakup Indu Dayak Sarawak (SIDS) Sibu chairperson Angelyn Uchi Maseng.