Journalist produces book on Sabah CM


Hajiji (left) and Lichong showing the book ‘Only One Hajiji, The One and Only’ during the Chief Minister’s Eid al-Fitr Celebration with the Media in Kota Kinabalu on Monday.

KOTA KINABALU (May 9): A book about Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Hj Hajiji Hj Noor entered the market last week.

The 200-page book titled ‘Only One, Hajiji, The One And Only – From the Journalist’s Perspective’ was produced by journalist Datuk Lichong Angkui.

It is a collection of Lichong’s latest writings about Hajiji’s leadership as well as the state government’s policies and directions, including related to the Sabah Maju Jaya (SMJ) Blueprint.

More interestingly, it includes comments and views from 10 prominent Malaysian journalists about the personality and leadership of Hajiji.

They consist of media organization leaders, presidents of journalist associations, prominent journalists, veteran journalists, and communication lecturers.

Hajiji also promoted the book during the Chief Minister’s Eid al-Fitr Celebration with the Media, at a hotel in Kota Kinabalu on Monday.

During the event, several journalists who received the book asked for the autographs of Hajiji and Lichong.

When interviewed later, Lichong, who is also the Chief Editor of Utusan Borneo, said that this was the second time Hajiji promoted the book after the first time at an event in Tongod on April 27.

According to him, the book is a compilation of his writings over the past six months regarding Hajiji’s leadership and the state government.

He said it also includes a synopsis of Hajiji’s political struggle and brief biography.

Among its focuses are ‘Climbing the political ladder from the bottom’ and ‘Political safari, From Sulaman to Kinabalu Tower’.

“I managed to get comments and views from several renowned journalists.

“Some wrote comments in Malay, some in English, and some wrote in both languages. So, I included all their comments without changing them at all,” he said.

Lichong, who is also a member of the Council of Administrators of the Malaysia-Indonesia Journalists Fraternity (ISWAMI), said the book also includes writings related to various aspects throughout his 40 years of involvement in the field of journalism.

“At the end part of this book, I reflect a bit on the journey of my journalism career that started in Sabah, flourished in the Peninsula, and then anchored back in my own state.

“I embrace three eras of journalism — the conventional era with all its traditional aspects, then entering the digital gate, and now heading towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0 era,” he said.

He mentioned that the title of the book was chosen to summarize his observations as a journalist on Hajiji’s style and leadership.

“For me, Hajiji’s leadership is different from others — his character is incomparable, his thinking perspective is extraordinary, he works silently, avoiding confrontation.

“‘Only one Hajiji, the one and only.’ This is just my perspective. It may differ from others’ perspectives. That’s why I added the subtitle ‘From the journalist’s perspective’,” he said.