Covid-19 Online Support Group to start first session today


A promotional poster for the online support group.

KUCHING: The Covid-19 Online Support Group will start its first group support session titled ‘Assertive communication – language for balance and openness’ today (April 21) at 11am.

This is part of a series of free support group sessions for individuals, couples, families and caregivers of people with mental health and learning difficulties experiencing emotional or psychological challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic.

It is facilitated by a team of psychologists and registered counsellors supported by Mental Health Association of Sarawak (MHAS).

Registration is required and limited to 10 people per session.

The next session, ‘Responding to Anger and Criticism – help diffuse disputes under lockdown is scheduled for 11am, April 28.

A specific session for caregivers of adults or children with mental health and special educational needs will be held on April 23 at 11am, titled ‘Coping with a special needs child during Covid-19’.

Each session will respond to the needs of participants and provide specific support on a general theme.

This online support group is a confidential space for people to talk openly without judgment to gain empowerment and learn coping skills besides getting practical advice.  It uses video conferencing technology provided by Zoom.

The sessions will start with introduction and commentary by the therapist who will facilitate sharing and discussion on how to manage emotions and other difficulties besides ensuring all members are able to contribute and get support.

For complete guidelines and registration, visit For enquiries, send email to [email protected].

For support outside these sessions, send email to [email protected] (MHAS) or [email protected] (Befrienders Kuching).