234 Covid-19 cases, one death in Sabah


A medical worker stores a Covid-19 swab sample for testing. — Bernama photo

KOTA KINABALU (April 2): Sabah recorded 234 new Covid-19 cases on Saturday with one death in Tenom.

Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun said the decline in new cases here and Penampang is a major factor contributing to the lower daily number of cases in Sabah on April 2.

“In total, eight districts recorded double-digit cases with Kota Kinabalu recording the highest number with 58 cases, Sandakan 22, Papar 18, Penampang 18, Beaufort 18, Tuaran 16, Tawau 11 and Putatan 10.

“Another 16 districts recorded single number while three districts namely Beluran, Nabawan and Tongod did not record any new cases.

A total of 226 patients or 96.59 per cent of 236 are in Categories 1 and 2, four in Category 3, three in Category 4 and one in Category 5.