Hoan Gallery unveils Lee’s batik masterpiece, addition to Sarawak’s art history


Lee with his ‘Symphony of Colours’ at the Hoan Gallery. – Photo by Chimon Upon

KUCHING (Dec 19): Sarawakian veteran artist Lee Hock Kia has unveiled the ‘Symphony of Colours’, his largest batik painting spanning over three metres wide and one metre tall at Hoan Gallery in La Promenade Mall here.

The batik piece, about the size of a sedan car, is described as a ‘colourful dreamscape-like depiction’ of Sarawak’s jungles, featuring a number of longhouses, the indigenous people and their lifestyle.

The artwork, which Lee completed over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, is based on a sketch he did in the 1970s.

“I had started collecting some ideas for my artwork until a friend of mine suggested that I transfer my works of art onto a piece of cloth and transform it into a batik painting,” he told reporters after unveiling his masterpiece at Hoan Gallery on Saturday.

“Batik artwork holds an integral part of Malaysian art history, and I have spent some 50 years to study on how to make the batik artwork as one of Malaysia’s identity or trademark. In other countries, we don’t see much of this artwork,” he said.

“I have always dreamt of being an artist ever since I was a young boy. I spent lots of my leisure time doing artworks – from watercolour to oil painting, and then later on to batik artwork.

“It took me almost two months to complete this piece and it was indeed tedious and painstaking in terms of execution and process, but nonetheless, a rewarding one.

“I wish for more of the younger generation to develop our Malaysian art through batik painting,” he said, while admitting that many young artists these days are more inclined towards contemporary arts.

“The procedure (batik painting) is no doubt complicated and the process is long, and perhaps that is why many youngsters do not have much patience in it,” he said, adding that with passion and practice, one will be able to improvise and discover techniques that will further elevate the batik painting industry.

The unveiling ceremony was one of La Promenade Mall’s Christmas festivities, which also includes Sarawak Artist Society’s (SAS) month-long 37th Annual Exhibit on the ground floor.

Hoan Gallery proprietor Hoan Kee Huang, who commended Lee’s latest piece as inspiring and highly moving, said, “Only a special artist with a lot of experience and vision can do what Master Lee has done with his ‘Symphony of Colours’.”

“At the age of 85, this is a culmination of Lee’s life work – the achievement of a lifetime,” Hoan said.

“I find this piece highly moving and inspiring, of which it has proven to the younger artists that one’s path in arts life is indeed a long and never ending one.

“My congratulations to master Lee and my thanks also as a Sarawakian artist. ‘Symphony Of Colours’ will be a valuable addition to Sarawak’s art history,” Hoan added.

At the unveiling, Lee also gave a live demonstration of batik painting, witnessed by members from SAS and art students from nearby universities.

Lee is one of several artists featured at Haon Gallery, where he has sold three other batik artworks, including Capturing Old World Charm (70cm x 61cm) and Village Relics (36cm x 42cm).

Another large painting of Lee’s, Pepper Garden (1.83m x 1.22m), an oil painting, hangs in the VIP Room of the high-end restaurant Zoro by Domus.

For more info, visit hoangallery.com or call +6017 854 5651. The gallery is open daily from 9.30am to 6.30pm. Entry is free.